Five Signs It's Time to Replace Your AC Unit
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Five Signs It’s Time to Replace Your AC Unit

As a homeowner, it can be tough to know when to replace your air conditioning unit. How do you know when your AC is simply in need of repairs versus an actual replacement? And, how do you know when to call an AC technician? As a homeowner, you need to know and be able to recognize the most common AC-related problems, in order to decide when a replacement is necessary. Here are the top five signs:

  • Your AC is too old. At a certain age, your air conditioning unit will simply stop functioning the way it’s supposed to. This usually happens when your AC is over 10 years old. If you maintain your AC, you can expect it to last between 10 and 15 years – but that’s it.
  • Your AC is always in need of repairs. If you’re constantly on the phone with your HVAC technician, it’s probably time to call it quits on your current AC model.
  • Your AC is simply not functioning. Is your AC refusing to work properly, no matter what you try? Time for a replacement!
  • Your AC is inefficient. Does your AC have a low SEER rating? If so, you probably need to get a more efficient AC type.
  • Your AC is costing you a fortune. If your air conditioner is costing you buckets of money in repairs, get a new one!

Contact the Air Conditioning Experts at Robert B. Payne Today

Do you have further questions about when it’s time to replace your AC unit? If so, it’s time to contact Robert B. Payne today at 540-373-5876. Here at Robert B. Payne our team of AC specialists is here to impart their well-earned wisdom and expertise. The Robert B. Payne team is always more than happy to help answer your questions and offer our assistance. We look forward to speaking with you!

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