Deciding on the right temperature in your home can feel like a never-ending debate. Some people like the air conditioning blasting during the summer, while others prefer to open the windows. In the winter, some like to crank up the heat while others find it too sweltering.
If the thermostat is a constant battleground, then you may want to consider installing a zone control heating and cooling system.
What’s different about a zone control system?
With a traditional forced-air system, the entire house is set to the same temperature, which is controlled by a single thermostat. There are a few downsides to this approach:
- The room where the thermostat is placed dictates the temperature for the rest of the house. For example, if that room gets lots of summer sun, it may force the AC to turn on more frequently, leaving other rooms colder than the set temperature.
- It’s common for homes (especially older ones) to have rooms that are hotter and colder than others, whether this is due to drafty windows or being far away from the heating/cooling unit.
With a zone control system, the home’s heating or cooling can be divided into different zones – either group of spaces or even individual rooms. Each zone can then be set to its own temperature, independent of what is happening in the other zones.
How does zone control work?
A zoned HVAC system uses a central forced-air unit (such as a furnace, heat pump, or air conditioning). In the ductwork, special dampers are installed to establish the different zones. The dampers can open and close to allow a precise amount of hot or cold air to pass through. A thermostat is also installed in each zone – and controls the temperature for just that designated area.
Here’s a quick example of how zone control could work.
- A home is set up with four zones in the house.
- Someone turns on the air conditioning in Zone #2.
- The AC turns on, and the damper opens in Zone #2, allowing the cool air to pass through and lower the temperature in that zone
- Dampers in Zones 1, 3, and 4 remain closed, so the temperature doesn’t change in those areas.
Benefits of zone control
Installing a zone control system gives you more precise and flexible control over the temperature of your home. This offers two main benefits:
- Members of the household can set different temperatures in different zones, keeping everyone comfortable and happy.
- You can restrict heating or cooling to rooms or areas of the home that aren’t friendly used, which saves energy and can reduce your monthly utility bills.
Talk to an HVAC expert about zone control heating and cooling
If the idea of ending the fight over the single thermostat sounds appealing, then a zone control system may be perfect for your home. To learn more about this technology and get a free estimate, contact Robert B. Payne Schedule an appointment today at 540-373-5876.