What Happens in an HVAC Consultation
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What Happens in an HVAC Consultation

Planning to schedule an HVAC consultation in Fredericksburg soon? If so, Robert B Payne wanted to give you an idea of what happens in an HVAC consultation.

How Long Will It Take?

Your initial consultation and assessment of your Fredericksburg home and its various systems typically takes our consultant between 60 and 90 minutes. That’s because it’s not only about heating and cooling; it’s about the comfort of you and your family. We’ll cover several areas and concerns so you can feel confident when you’re ready to take the next steps.

Provide an Account of Current Problems

If you’re buying a new HVAC system, it’s probably because your current one is reaching the end of its lifespan. A list of problems that your existing system has will help our HVAC expert understand what needs to change. Note whether your current system is too noisy, inefficient, or weak to make your Fredericksburg home comfortable.

Explain the Location of Difficult Areas

Most Fredericksburg homes have areas that are difficult to heat or cool. But you aren’t stuck with that situation, and a consultation is the perfect time to address it. Let our technician know about which rooms or areas are challenging, and they can provide potential solutions. They may also find problems that you don’t notice, such as heat gain from windows, air leaks, and insufficient insulation.

Provide Easy Access to All HVAC Components

You can make our technician’s job a little easier by removing obstacles from the places they’ll need to reach. Where there’s furniture blocking or impeding access to any part of the interior system, moving it can make your consultation more efficient and effective. Don’t forget about outdoor obstacles, too.

Give a History of Energy Costs

While almost any newer HVAC system works more efficiently than one that’s 10 or more years old, knowing your current usage can helps our technician design a system that meets your specific needs. If you can, give them a breakdown of one year of energy consumption. That will reveal when energy use spikes and also when it levels off.

Contact Robert B Payne to Get Started

If you’re ready to schedule your Fredericksburg HVAC consultation, give us a call at 540-373-5876 to get started.

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