Installing Geothermal Systems for Commercial Developments

Are you considering installing a geothermal system for your commercial development? Here is everything you need to know!

But first: what is a geothermal system?

Essentially, a geothermal heat pump is a central HVAC system that transfers heat to and from the ground. So, geothermal systems use the ground or groundwater as a heat source, or sink. Typically, geothermal systems use anywhere from 25% to 50% less electricity than other heating & cooling systems.

In addition, these types of heat pumps can be easily integrated with existing systems, or can be installed anew.


While the installation cost of a geothermal system does vary, one thing’s for sure: this type of system will save you money in the long run. For one, the lifespan of a geothermal system is usually estimated to be twice as long as other HVAC systems. In addition, since a geothermal system uses renewable energy to heat or cool your home, you’ll save on your energy bill, as well! You may even be eligible for a federal tax credit.


Geothermal systems are energy-efficient, can help reduce costs in the long run, and use clean & renewable energy. When you install a geothermal system, you’ll be saving money AND the environment! In addition, some other benefits of these systems include: quieter operation, a low operating cost, and a longer lifespan.

In conclusion…

What are you waiting for? Geothermal systems are all the rage, for good reason. Get ready to reap countless benefits when you install a geothermal system for your commercial property!

Contact Robert B. Payne, Inc. Today

Do you have further questions about geothermal system installations for commercial developments? If so, it’s time to contact Robert B. Payne, Inc. today at 540-373-5876. Here at Robert B. Payne, Inc. we’re happy to help answer your questions and offer our assistance.