Understanding the Importance of Your Thermostat

Struggling to control the temperature inside your home? Whether you’re in need of consistent heat or the relief that air conditioning brings, your home’s HVAC system is crucial for maintaining whole-home comfort.

When your thermostat is bad, the whole system functions erratically. This is because the thermostat is the boss of your HVAC system. Your heat and air conditioning kick on when the thermostat tells them to, and they stop when your home reaches the right temperature.

What does the thermostat do?

Just as your body reacts to your brain’s commands, the thermostat serves as the control center for your home’s heating and cooling. When the control center is functioning incorrectly, everything stops functioning properly as a result.

Why is thermostat important?

Along with causing frustration when your house is colder or warmer than you want it to be, a faulty thermostat can also cause an unexpected spike in your monthly utility bills. Because your HVAC system won’t work efficiently when the thermostat isn’t working properly, your heating and cooling systems will have to work harder to catch up to speed. Or, worse, they will run constantly due to temperature confusion.

How do you fix a broken thermostat?

Good news: fixing a faulty thermostat isn’t the end of the world! It is usually a relatively simple fix. If you want to try fixing it yourself, start by checking the manual for your thermostat.  If you have a digital thermostat, there might even be functions to help you troubleshoot. If all else fails, it may be time to call in the professionals

Local heating system experts

If your thermostat is on the fritz, don’t get frustrated or let it make your home uncomfortable. Contact Robert B. Payne, Inc. for knowledgeable and trustworthy service in the Fredericksburg and nearby communities. To schedule an appointment, call (540) 373-5876 today.