Although the state of Virginia usually deals with fairly mild weather in comparison to other areas of the United States, residents experience everything from high levels of humidity to severe winter storms. Therefore, homeowners should schedule regular HVAC maintenance to keep their heating and air conditioning units in tip-top shape to deal with the various seasons.
If you live in Fredericksburg or the nearby communities, here are some key steps to take so that your HVAC system continues to run smoothly.
- Clean Your Units of Debris. Leaves, pollen, grass, branches, and other outdoor debris can cover up your heating and AC units. This can cause them to work less efficiently.
- Replace Your Air Filters. If you want your family to continuously breathe fresh air, you’ll need to remove the dirty filters regularly and replace them with nice, clean ones.
- Make Sure Your Thermostat Is Accurate. A broken thermostat could cost you plenty of money as your home struggles to maintain the correct temperature in winter or summer.
- Replace Your Humidifier Filter. This should be done at least every other month in order to reduce the number of mineral deposits that build up in your tap water.
- Check Your Gas or Oil Connections. Sometimes the connections can loosen, which leads to fires or health problems.
- Check Your AC Unit’s Refrigerant Level. Too much or too little refrigerant could cause your system to run inefficiently and ultimately cause the unit to break down sooner than it should.
The hands-down best way to make sure your home is prepared for all of the seasons is to call an HVAC company in for regular inspections. Robert B Payne has been serving the Fredericksburg area for more than 90+ years and knows exactly how to keep your HVAC system running properly. Their employees take pride in protecting your home and family, and they fully commit themselves to being reliable and trustworthy. Call today to schedule an HVAC inspection at 540-373-5876.