Is Your HVAC Ready for 2016?
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Is Your HVAC Ready for 2016?

The HVAC system in your home works hard year-round. It makes sense then to have check ups done on it periodically, ensuring that it’s ready for the season or year ahead. To make sure your system is ready for 2016, you should perform a few necessary tasks to keep it running smoothly.

Test the Thermostat and Controls

Getting prepared for the new year, check all parts of the HVAC system. Ensure it’s working properly by checking the controls and the thermostat. Oftentimes, clients don’t know there’s a problem with their unit until it’s broken completely. Whereas, if you check the heating system and cooling system specifically while keeping a watchful eye on how they’re working, maybe doing this on a weekend morning, you can find the problem and get it taken care of right away. This also prevents future emergency that could arise down the road.

Tighten Plugs and Replace Filters

Sometimes, electrical parts can come loose from their sockets. Ensure that everything is plugged in tight to its right place. This is an easy task that you can perform that keeps your system going strong. Yet another easy task is replacing your filters. These need to be replaced often, possibly even monthly. This gives better breathing air in your home, while simultaneously keeping your system from overworking.

If you’ve tried these and you’re still not sure your system is ready for the year ahead, have it checked by the team at Robert B. Payne. We can do the little tasks and the big jobs to make sure you’re good to go for 2016. Call us now! 540-373-5876

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